Illustration of a product on a bathroom shelf - Libresse

When you first become aware of the need for intimate care as part of your female hygiene routine, the prospect of choosing the right wash, liner or wipe can be overwhelming.

But knowing which feminine hygiene products are beneficial for you needn’t be daunting.

You can simplify the whole process by thinking about your lifestyle and how that affects your specific needs when it comes to intimate care. Because how you spend your day, your grooming habits and certain life stages, all have an impact on your feminine hygiene routine.

If you are a teenager

Whether you’ve started your periods or not, you need to keep your V-zone scrupulously clean. As part of your daily hygiene routine, use an intimate wash such as Libresse Intimate Wash with Mint Water Extract. And, as irregular menstruation, spotting and discharge can be frequent and unpredictable in your teens, wear a Libresse liner every day to keep your V-zone fresh and comfortable.

If you are sporty

Post-sport cleanliness is really important. Use a Libresse intimate wash when you have your post-sport shower. If you’re in a rush, try using intimate wipes, which will cleanse and refresh your V-zone. A breathable liner, such as Libresse DailyFresh with ProSkin Formula, will also keep you feeling clean and comfortable throughout the day.

If you travel frequently

When you spend long periods on the move and can’t shower as frequently as you’d like, you can stay fresh by using Libresse DailyFresh liners. Just like cotton underwear, these liners are breathable, meaning they keep your V-zone clean and comfy. And try using intimate wipes after you’ve been to the bathroom. They’ll freshen you up, help you stay odour-free and maintain your V-zone’s delicate pH balance.

If you wax or shave your intimate area

Removing intimate hair regularly can cause skin to become sensitive, dry or even irritated. Libresse’s Intimate Mousse for Depilated Skin contains calendula, which will calm and moisturise the delicate skin of your V-zone when you shave in the shower. Don’t forget to use a scrub after depilation to exfoliate the area, and an aloe vera gel to moisturise. After a couple of days you can switch to a Libresse daily wash. And you may want to use a Libresse DailyFresh liner for everyday comfort.

If you are a new mum

After giving birth your intimate area is likely to be sore and inflamed. An intimate mousse, like Libresse’s Soothing Wash Mousse with Vitamin E and Calendula, is great for soothing and calming skin. Libresse liners, meanwhile, will protect your underwear from postnatal discharge and help keep the area clean and odour-free. Using intimate wipes will also freshen your V-zone after you’ve been to the bathroom, with the calming properties of Vitamin E.

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